It is the 11th month already. Less daylight than darkness has been the rule for over a month. We are creeping toward the shortest daylight of the year. The temperatures here in the great north are noticeably colder. (No, not brisk) Harvest is mostly complete and hunting seasons have just about finished. Winter is coming soon to a neighborhood near you (and me)
Even with the seeming gloom of the days a review of the last year leaves me thankful. This year I find I am thankful for some items that I wouldn’t have included in years past.
I am thankful for loved ones lost. Some lost to death, some to distance and some to falling out. It’s not actually the loss that I’m thankful for. Rather, it is for the warm memories that often evoke the sadness of being apart. As I age it is more evident that so often things are not entirely what they seem. My emotional pain and exhilaration are children of the same mother. In some instances I could not have one without the other.
Simple things are also a big part of my thankfulness. My bible, people to love, time to worship, a comfortable home, heat, water and the like all leave me feeling deep gratitude. It was a somewhat silly Youtube post about Christmas (thank you Forest Hill Church) that put things into perspective. So to say I’m thankful for everything I have is exactly correct.
More than the things I’m thankful for the people. Not just the ones that love and support me. Or the ones that I call friend or who call me that.
- I’m thankful for the guy who cut me off on the highway last week. He made me mad and I yelled at him. In that moment my Lord reminded me to be merciful and forgiving. I have been forgiven for much (very needed) and now I was being reminded to extend that mercy to someone else.
- I’m grateful for the angry customer who contacted me about a property and then dressed me down for having it on the internet even though it was under contract. (not my website but its all the internet :). She reminded me of how often I jump to conclusions and have to do a better job of being understanding. It’s not all about me!
You get the picture. I’m no saint. There are plenty of opportunities in the past year where my thankfulness still hasn’t manifested itself. After all I’m a work in progress (and so thankful for that too)
I want to wish all of you a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday. May you be in the midst of loved ones and experience a day of peace and joy