148 Ways (or so) To Prepare Your Home For Sale

Ready Set Go

You may be thinking of sprucing up your home and getting it ready for sale. While contemplating this process, however, you likewise may wonder if your efforts are truly

needed. You may ask yourself what, if any, impact they will have on the sale of your house. Simple steps taken today can not only affect if your home sells, but it can also affect how quickly it sells and the final sale price.

Do I have your attention yet? Good. Before I get started with telling you how to get your home prepared, here are some fantastic reasons         why you should start preparing your home today to sell in the Spring.

Attract Interested Buyers

By preparing your home for the market, you increase your chances of attracting interested buyers. When they see that your house is ready for purchase and they will not have much, if any, upkeep work to do themselves, they will be more likely to ask for a showing. A well-maintained house also means that people who buy it can build equity of their own sooner.

Sell Faster

When you draw in interested buyers, you make it more likely that you will sell your house faster. A house that sits on the market for weeks or months on end is expensive and inconvenient. You can sell faster by getting your house ready for listing and showing. Buyers will see that they can move in quickly and be ready  to start their lives in the new home. They will be more likely to put in an offer when they can picture themselves living there rather than picturing doing repairs.


Make the House Safer

By taking the extra steps to get your house ready for listing today, you actually make your home safer for people who visit it. You are more likely to take notice of repairs you may have been neglecting, such as tacking down loose carpeting or tightening hinges on doors. These little fixes will go a long way in improving the safety and appeal of your house.

Tender Loving Care

Buyers want to look at houses that have been well-kept and maintained throughout the years. When they walk into a home that has obviously been loved, appreciated, and well-tended to, they are more likely to  establish an  attachment to it as well. By getting your home ready to sell this spring, you have the opportunity to show buyers that they too can have the same happiness and comfort that you have enjoyed in the house.

Get Your Asking Price

This is what most people care about when looking to sell their home. A house that is clean, repaired, and ready to go can fetch a higher asking price.

When you want to sell your house for its maximum value, you should take the extra steps to make sure it is as appealing and sellable as possible. A house that is ready to sell can give you added leverage in the negotiations and allows you to hold firm  on your price.

While it may sound obvious, most home buyers are not handy Andy (although many would probably disagree). They do not actually know how much it costs to replace a hot water heater, change out a cracked window pane, or even replace the carpet. Studies show that when estimating repair costs, the average buyer will actually estimate two or three times the actual expenses. This means that the broken door that would cost $500 to replace will be seen as a $1000 or $1500 repair by a potential buyer. This estimate, as wrong as it may be, will play a factor when it comes to the price that they offer. It may even determine if they put in an offer at all.

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