In the immutable words of William Shakespeare; “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players”. In the world of real estate marketing, “Every house is a stage” . In the world of sales there is an old adage that says “Price and Presentation” are the two keys to selling anything. While there may be a few variables to that rule I believe that for the most part it is accurate. The market price for any product is set primarily by the laws of supply and demand. When there is little supply and demand is high, prices are firm to up. Conversely, when there is excess supply and low demand prices are soft and tend to fall. The market sets the price.
Presentation can impact the final price and the speed at which a product will sell. Several years ago I learned that by sending my car to the detail shop prior to selling, I would net more money and sell the car much faster than just simply washing and vacuuming the interior. The professional detailer had the talent, tools and abilities that I just couldn’t deliver to the process. The detail shop made the car look “WOW” beautiful!!
There is a plethora of data available to Buyers. And, no matter how “hot” the market is you have to put the best face on things or be ready to take a significant reduction on the selling price. With high-definition, digital photography, prospective Buyers have an opportunity to see all of the “Spots , spots”, the “carpet tsunami” in the master bedroom and the “saluting” toilet in all their splendor. If your intent is to get the very most for your property and sell it in the shortest period of time you need to show them the WOW beautiful!!
Photo Courtesy of New Vistas Home Staging LLC
Staging can do that for your home. With few exceptions, you won’t have the grasp of fashion trends or design that a trained professional has. Diane Nyquist, from New Vistas Home Staging LLC, says “I will stage your home to sell it, not to live in it” What?? You know how to arrange furniture you say! You don’t need someone to tell you where things go in your own house? First of all, the idea is for it not to be your house anymore, right? If not, you’re wasting your time and mine. Secondly, you placed the couch and end tables where it worked best for you and your lifestyle. That makes perfect sense, you were living here. What you didn’t care about was that the couch placed on the opposite wall made the room look massive and one end table would suffice for showing off the rooms wonderfully open concept and natural light. Oh , and the TV? Sorry, that’s gotta go.
Fresh paint is almost always the stager’s (or real estate agent’s) first item on the to-do list. The agent is likely to tell you “something neutral” Well, white is neutral. Goes with anything, right? Yeah, NO DON’T PAINT IT WHITE!! A professional stager will give you specific color ideas and possible combinations to pull things together. They will likely provide you with specific paint numbers and finishes. I don’t know about you, but for me, painting rates right up there with a root canal. It may have to be done but I don’t want to do it twice!!!
These are just two areas where a professional stager can put you in first place in the minds of Buyers. As a rule we provide a free 2 hour staging consultation for our listing clients. The consultation covers a property walk through, discussion of options and a written report on what could or should be done to prepare the home for sale. I have had more than one client who was hesitant at first but later was thankful that a fresh set of eyes with professional talent was available as a resource. “Her ideas made my home look so nice I almost didn’t want to sell” was the comment from one of my sellers. By the way that home sold in two days, with multiple offers, above asking price.
One other thing a professional stager can do is help with design on your existing home even if you don’t want to sell.
Call or text me for more information or if you would like to talk with a stager that works in your area. And now I must go so……. “Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say good night till it be morrow” …………….